This poche drawing shows the quality of the house including interior and exterior. Changing lighting conditions influenced by openings and sun direction has been shown. The lawn and plants and masonry fences can be seen as well. Moreover, textures such as capet, wooden floor, tile show the quality of the house.

Similarly to the above

Grid system has been used. The plan is composed of six squares, which forming a ratio 2:3 in terms of the whole length and width.
The elevation contains several squares as well.

To represent the Raumplan and flowing spaces, a compressed circulation diagram is being used, two levels forming one diagram, moreover, dashed is to symbolize the higher level. All the turning and changing level can be seen.
For vertical circulation, the major path is highlighted, it connects all the major function area such as entry, living room, dinning room, bedroom, top level.
Actually, the circulation and geometry diagram relate to each other, the central pathway for circulation corresponds to the horizontal center line in geometry diagram, in other words, the geometry is also used to form the circulation.

Public and private spaces are distinguished. Through axonometric drawing, the volumes of different function areas can be perceived.

Not only distinguishing the inside and outside of the house, different functions were taken into consideration as well, for example, on raised ground floor, the library and the lady's room are more private use, also, they are lifed up from the other rooms, consequently, their boundrays are thicker, symbolizing these rooms are more enclosed. Due to the library is only one door access, its lines is thicker than lady's room.

Load-bearing walls and colums have been highlighted
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