The underground studio has three levels. The middle level can be used as warehouse to store materials and tools, top level can serve as the designing space, the artist can sculpture his work at the bottom level, then brings them to the gallery directly from the stairs.
The exterior shapes of underground space is trying to express the idea of "harmony", similar shapes melt into together. Actually the design of this part has very close relationship with his work" come together", because he reflects a kind of harmony about life, memory in that sculpture. In addition, i was also inspired by Paul Rudolph, i learned how to make many "cubic" combined well.
This model is based on model 2, the words are "advance" for upground, "harmony" for underground. According to the meaning of the words and the art style of Sidney Nolan and Ricky Swallow, the materials selected mainly include wood(underground), glass, steel(upground). I chose wood because the artist's productions are almost made of wood, wood also fits the meaning of "harmony". The combination of glass and steel brings us the feeling of modern and "advance", due to one feature of Nolan's work is colourful, the two colours glass are decided. Meanwhile, glass, stone, concret and tile are selected for the gallery mainly because i think the gallery is supposed to be a place that has strong art atmosphere, and these materials that are always used in galleries can create that kind of effect.